Thursday, October 17, 2019

TAD Corporation - Arcade circuit board collection

Cabal (1988) & JuJu Densetsu / Toki (1989) 
Blood Bros. / Nihon System's Sky Smasher (1990)
Legionnaire / Heated Barrel (1992)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Killer List of Videogames & Defender 3 (Parody & Spoof)

If you haven't figured out, this is an April Fool's Parody for now. 
You should probably stop posting the MAME developers about this game hasn't been emulated yet.

This parody is copyright © 2003 Nathan Strum, who also happens to run
Thanks to Dave Dries of Cinemarcade for hosting this silliness.
Also thanks to Chris Newton who took this old Defender cabinet, with my hands and is restoring it awfully.
Someone had converted into an another game... What's up with that? Or is just- ME????

Defender 3 Control panel (Parody & Spoof)

From left: Top Row: Up / Down joystick, 1 Player start, 2 Player start

Bottom Row: Nothing, Reverse, Time Warp, Heat Seeking Missle (sic), Hyperspace, Self-Destruct,  Flame Thrower, Inviso, Smart Bomb, Thrust, Fire

Farewell to Instaudio

Farewell to Project Wonderful

Monday, October 7, 2019

Naxat Soft Recca for Famicom - Story: A.D. 2302

In the year A.D. 2302, an unknown fighter craft named "Recca", they came out of the planet Earth's disshelved state with responsibilities in the galaxy of universe, and determination in your mind...

When the heroes goes out of the toughest battles, except the real heavy combat and the final battle awaits... Until now. Would it be succeed? Find out!

Ultra-rare, but not forgotten - Cave/Atlus DonPachi development version